January 28, 2008

"Honey Love"

The video above is for the 1st single from Erykah Badu's Nu AmErykah album titled "Honey". What makes this video dope to me is not necessarily just the concept but the meaning beind it. The kids of today [the digital babies I like to call 'em] don't really understand the idea of going to a record store and just getting hyped off the album covers... I mean some of those album covers were iconic to say the least. A lot of Gen X'ers like myself can remember the day that they picked up that Illmatic album and saw the cover and new that they were in for a treat.

I still remember picking up "The Great Adventures of Slick rick" on cassette [yes.. I am dating myself.. cass-ette... LOL!] and just knowing by the creativity in the album art that you were in for a treat. Those were defining moments for not just Hip-Hop fans but just fans of music in general. Nowadays you click on a few links, get a music file, dump it on your mp3 player and keep it movin'.

I think the concept of the video shows that the experience of getting your favorite record when it came out went further than the actual art of the music but actually included the art of the "artwork" itself...something that I'm afraid will probably be lost forever in this digital age. She also had my dudes Sa-Ra featured in the vid.. dope concept all-around.

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