Clothes Rap

Oh the sweet sound of sarcasm. Many have tried it. Most just sound like bitter jerks when doing it and then you have the few that manage to pull it off in a way that is still harsh to the ears but below the sting has a strong layer of truth. One of the blogs that I visit frequently manages to master this dark skill. The name of the blog is Satchel Of Gravel... ran by this guy that used to run the now defunct Dont Believe The Hypebeast. It is basically a blog that reveals the many obsurdities of the ever-growing but currently played-out streetwar culture that is all the rage for these kids and grown ups[?] these days.
Recently the blog manages to expose the underlying obsurdities of some the these clothing lines that rappers/entertainers are releasing to the poor public. And i gotta say that many of his comments are borderline jerk-ish... but at the same time funny and laced with truth. The way sarcasm is supposed to be...
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