September 19, 2005

Weekend Hi-Lites

My birthday weekend was pretty nice. I got some cool gifts from my wifey, Stanley, Joann, my parent$ & my big-head $i$ter over the weekend. On Friday, I hung our with wifey at my familia's crib. My mom cooked, my father was the resident oldies but goodies DJ [as usual], my sister & niece were acting up [another usual]. On Saturday night I want out with Stanley & Joann to some steak spot in west bubble-neck-damn-this-is-dookey-far Long Island where we had some mighty good grub. Stanley & everyone was tryna regulate my happy juice intake shutting me down after 2 L.I. iced teas...I though I was chillin' and could've handled another one...I guess they thought otherwise. How is it my birthday celebration & I wasn't drivin' and they regulatin' like that!! On Sunday, me and wifey just vegged out ate what I shouldn't and hit the malls. Can't with till I go away on vacation later this week though!!! 8 days of fun in the sun!!

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