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Aww man... I know. It's been like almost 2 months since my last post. Well... i been a little busy... I got some agendas that I'm tryna complete and ... well... they gotta get accomplished this year... theres just soo much that Im tyna get rollin' and soo little time... and I'm just gettin' started.... anyway enough with the vague statements... For the 1 or [maybe] 2 people that read my blog [shouts to my brotha Jemal!!], well.. I just feel like a lot of the content that I would contribute to this blog you could [and prolly do] find in much more detail from people who got time time, energy & patience to post those types of things on their blogs a l million ways 'till Sunday. And as I usually do my daily blog/news web surfing.... I reallize that theres like millions of these blogs.... So I feel like unless I have something that I think is not getting enough light/ or something unique to offer [opinions or whatever] then... what's the needle... seen?
I've been rocking this blog since June of '04 and I think it would be only fitting if I could do a [relatively] solid 4 years to this blog... So they're still a few more posts imma make so don't sign off just yet... and who knows... I might just pop up else where...
:::Egamad/Pablo Escobarz/Paul Onion/?:::
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