February 11, 2008

Luver's Lane

I've never really been big on the whole Valentines Day thing. I just feel that someone's valentine sentiments should not just be limited to a designated holiday but whenever you wanna show some luv & affection to that special someone...

That being said, a while back I attempted to do three very rough "amateur mixes" on my laptop of some slow jams titled "For Luvers Only!". I posted the first 2 volumes about a year ago.. with some embarrassment... I think that the mixes definitely need work but the selection is not so bad... which is why I'm even reposting them. Im still tryna figure out if I should release the third & final volume or just take my time and re-do it [not to fond of the playlist for that one...].

I might drop volume three by Thursday but then again like I said... any day can & should be your Valentines day.... and remember the "mixes" are still rated BMM [That's Babay-Makin'Music for you slow folks ;-]

Anyway I hope you luv birds enjoy my otherwise janke but still babymakin' selections none-the-less..

For Luvers Only! Volume One

For Luvers Only! Volume Two

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