January 8, 2008

Back to The Future..

I normally don't write about music videos. Well because most of the current ones are haat garbage. But the video above by Ice Cube [A 20-Year rap vet by the way... I'm old...] actually made me like the song [Gangster Rap Made Me Do It] more than I did before viewing it. Even though he lyrically holds up against some of the younger rappers fresh on the scene [that's not necessarily a compliment..], this song is not a lyrically dope song but what he lacks in wordplay he makes up for in swagger & subject matter with a smooth flow that fits perfectly with the brooding strings and baseline provided by one of Ice Cube's producers named Maestro [aka Dre Jr.?].

I like the way Cube approached the overall video the imagery went along perfectly and kind of gave you that sense of peril that to me the song doesn't totally fulfill without those visuals. I like the fact that there is someone in rap who is a public figure who is willing to call out the BS that's going on in terms of using hip-hop as a scape goat and to me no one is more suited for that task than O'Shea Jackson. He brought me back [for the length of the video anyway..] to the days of Death Certificate when Cube was all about that I-don't give a f%#* attitude less about starring in cheesy dad flicks.

It's also a breath of fresh air in a seemingly endless cloud [with the exception of a dope '07 4th quarter for quality Hip-Hop music] of "do the ____ dance/ I'm rockin' & paid" Hip-Hop music in recent memory. Hopefully this is the tone that will be set for his new album Raw Footage if that's the case then this 20 year vet will do what mady veterans in the industry can' accomplish anymore... get people excited about their albums..

BTW: I do have one gripe... that over-dramatic poorly executed intro should be scrapped. It almost kills whatever anticipation one might have for watching the video.

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