November 28, 2007

Giving Thanks

I always had a soft spot for Thanksgiving. Not because of the real history nor even the manufactured reasons for Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving because for many families it is one of the few times that they come together interact with each other that isn't mandated by weddings nor funerals.

With that said sometimes being at these events can be torture. Especially when you have family that brings their excess personal baggage with them and decide to parade it in from of their kinfolk. Luckily there was no such occurrence at my crib Wifey & I hosted Thanksgiving this year for my Parents & Big-Headed Sister.

I also cooked this year. It's significant for me not because I can't cook but because I've been avoiding doing much on a stove since my storied pyro-incident. Everyone had a good time, talked about any & everything and complemented us on the cooking. All-in-all good times.

Of course we cooked too much food and now we're stuck in leftover hell.... We had so much food that went to waste.. I usually feel a little guilty about that only because I know that there is probably a soup kitchen/ homeless shelters that need the food that I just dumped in the garbage...

Always remember that this day is significant not because its a pilgrim celebration but rather a time to re-connect with what's most important.. Family and Giving Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dayumn why don't you update?