Paul Disney

That's it! I just have to admit it to myself.... I'm getting old. Old age must be the reason that I totally did not realize that my wife successfully carried out a plan to kidnap me and take me out of state exactly one week ago.
Yeah. I know I sound crazy. But last week Saturday morning at around 5 AM for some reason I found myself in a cab headed to JFK Airport "delivering" a box for my sister-in law who was departing NYC to her home in Florida. I get there and this my wife pulls out my passport..... .... I'm still so tired [it's #@$$#% FIVE AM!!] that it took me literally about 2 minutes [and her telling me that I am getting on a plane in a few minutes] to realize what was going on. I was like I can't BELIEVE this $h!+.... I can't believe that I did not catch on. She even brought extra suitcases to the cab with her sister's "box" and I still had no clue... I'm so slow... I was so tired that I had almost no reaction until the plane I boarded hit the runway.... She's kidnapping me and taking me to Disney World. LMAO!!
I was only there for the weekend so suffice to say I would only get to do and see a little bit of any of the theme parks but I think I was maxing out my time there. My sister in law rented this really sweet-looking villa about 2 miles from the Magic Kingdom. So we were up early and home late from park hopping each day last weekend. The weather was overcast and rainy at times but we still made the best of it....
I'm my new infinite old aged wisdom I decided that instead of taking last Monday off to travel back to NYC that I would instead board a 6:00AM flight and head back solo and STRAIGHT TO WORK!!?!? That was one of the worst most tiring work days of my life... bananas.
All in all I had a wonderful time last weekend and a great birthday gift by my Wifey and my super-in-laws... thanks so much!
I posted some pix up [with a few more left to post] on my flickr page to prove that my old age made me soft in the head.. :-] -link below-
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