May 23, 2008

"Suge Nite-Nite"

"It only takes that one punch to turn you into a punchline" - Jay Smooth

Jay smooth's commentary more than sums up how I feel about what the definition of gangsta is... I lot of people in our culture [Hip-Hop] and by extension the inner city youth in general, believe that to be "street-gangter" is to achieve the pinnacle of their existence. Not knowing that the reason that they're even living in those communities is because the street-gansters aint really that gangsta... It's the dudes that went the "staight & narrow... took care of their families but own the corporations that create things in life that you covet [gold, jewelry, medication etc.] and the things that you even fear [like.. jail].... those my friends ARE the REAL gansters in this world.... dont be a fake-gangsta-poser.... step it up.

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