January 24, 2006

Movin' On Up!

Over the past week, wifey, mom-in-law & aunt-in-law have been working feverishly to clean the trailer for the January 20th pickup. It's a sight to behold people scubbing toilets, patching up wallpaper and moving out a dozen bags of garbage, furniture & too many boxes to count. But we actually did it and wrapped up everything around 2AM Friday morning. Only to find out that they are postponing the pickup on pickup day. Before when we were practically begging for an extension so we could properly clean up and get most of our $1500 deposit back, those @$$wipes couldn't do anything to help us, they had to pick it up by that date. Now that we slaved to made the deadline they cant pick the damn thing up yet. Well guess what..they said that it would be picked up today so if I go home and see that friggin' trailer still in the back yard imma raise sum hell.

1 comment:

Rich Louis said...

yeesh. hope it's gone too