October 31, 2005

Jay-Hova the Resurrector!

Yes, I was at the Powerhouse 105 event that is now historical folklore in the Hip-Hop community. I'm not gonna rehash the event for you because pretty much every site that covers anything remotely close to Hip-hip has already covered this event. But I will tell you that Jay-Z, Jigga, Hov-or-whatever he is calling himself these days is an extremely smart-&-forward-thinking Mofo. I also believe that he is the only one that could pull off bringing all of these artists together under one large roof...and he stepped up to the plate. It is no secret that East Coast hip-Hop has gone from the glory days of cutting edge music with various crew collaborations to a copy-cat boot-licking mediocre crabs-in-a-bucket scene. This one don't-like-that-one and that crew hates that crew type of nonsense. While the scene that is flourishing right now is the area that has built it's popularity on it's artists collaborating with each other...The South [how many southern artists feature Texas vet Bun B or Atlanta's T.I. on their albums in the last year]? That sort of solidarity does not happen on the East. Jay realized this, put his ego aside [Nas'"Ether" record was no joke...], pulled of the impossible of having all of these other conflicting artists [L.O.X Vs. Beans, Beans Vs. State Prop, L.O.X Vs. Diddy etc.] drop their egos at the door also. Since Hip-Hop [East Coast especially] as an insatiable albeit self-destructive appetite for beefs & conflicts, Jay dropped the bait of an "I Declare War" concert. The show was not as well put-together as his Fade To Black/ Madison Square Garden concert [started over 1 hour late] but there was clearly another point to this event. Knowing people always wanna see who's gonna be put on blast [Resulting in a number of corny home-made beef bootleg mixtapes] it put the Hip-Hop at full attention. An "I Declare Peace" concert wouldn't have been as attention-getting. It was a beautiful thing to see the possibilities that were on that stage that night. Hopefully they keep the momentous going that Jay has masterfully jumpstarted for us...not just East Coast Hip-Hop...but Hip-Hop period!

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